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Gender is between the ears not between the legs

An exploration in to identity. We construct our identity from our experiences, surroundings, opinions, beliefs, feelings, thoughts, expectations and the roles presented to us. There are many different reasons behind what is made public and what is kept private.

To feel strong? To reject stereotypes?
It feels true documenting a journey of self discovery, looking at elements of interpretation. Nudity is not illegal in the UK it is decency that is judged, how much would intention, physical appearance and opinion factor in to judgement?

Nudity is deemed sexual not appreciative of the natural form, politically motivated nudity is judged more harshly, intent?
A group of women, tape over their nipples, bottom half covered, police are called, two girls walking down the street in bikini tops and skirts, nothing, the same body parts are on show the same body parts are covered but the reaction and consequences are completely different.
Reason - Motivation - Intention.

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