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A Patchwork Voice


Creative Communities - Aberdeen City Council


I was employed by Aberdeen City Council to take the lead artist role in devising and delivering a month long project in Middlefield.


Middlefield is classed as an area of multiple deprivations and I felt it was important for the community to have ownership of the work created as well as realising my own vision and reactions to the experience as an artist.


During the month long project I engaged with the local women’s group, community project, sheltered housing and youth flat.


The community of Middlefield will be affected by a new bypass resulting in approx 350 families losing their homes. This was my starting point and I worked from that to devise an art project that would encourage people to explore their idea of home and community.


I adapted different aspects of the project to engage with a wide age range, motivated by putting forward a united voice for Middlefield through art.


Throughout the project we developed a textile piece bringing together all the individual voices in the community, a box wall, textile flags, a photo collage consisting of recreations of old images from the youth flat with the new service users and a book. You can view the project book here.




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